Card Memory
2021.12.1 15:00
Rental by aoi(#063202) has finished.
2021.11.24 15:31
Rentaled by aoi(#063202).
2019.12.5 08:00
Rental by Ash(#012553) has finished.
2019.11.28 08:55
Rentaled by Ash(#012553).
2019.11.27 01:33
transferred to in game by スコットたろう(#002984)
2019.11.27 00:46
forwarded to 重装姫ルチア(#013786)'s wallet
2019.11.27 00:46
Flavor text “ルチアNo.9” was added by 重装姫ルチア(#013786)
2019.11.12 20:00
purchased by 重装姫ルチア(#013786) at shop