Maintenance Notice 10:00-10:15 (UTC+0900)
Frigg #111400006
Thumb middle 1140
Legend Frigg #111400006 Owner: Yuya@Gaudiy(#002909) Experience Point: 8539 Level: 40
Flavor text


Civilization Green
Species Fairy
Ability Summon:Recruit 1/1 Sacred Elves until your battlefield is full.

Battle History

Rank bronze World Championship 2nd(Legend Grade) BEST4 with p#007322Rainbow
Card Memory
2021.8.29 16:49 Sent from takuya(#003291) to Yuya@Gaudiy(#002909)
2021.6.20 20:00 Rental by ペペペンタ(#007322) has finished.
2021.6.13 20:35 Rentaled by cool cool mountain(#007322).
2019.12.3 21:00 Rental by きくきく(#003174) has finished.
2019.11.26 21:46 Rentaled by きくきく(#003174).
2019.11.25 18:45 transferred to in game by takuya@Gaudiy(#003291)
2019.11.18 21:02 forwarded to takuya@Gaudiy中の人(#003291)'s wallet
2019.10.26 13:50 transferred to in game by takuya@Gaudiy(#003291)
2019.10.7 11:40 forwarded to キヨスイ メディア クリプトタイムズ応援(#000333)'s wallet
2019.9.27 11:15 transferred to in game by キヨスイ メディア クリプトタイムズ応援(#000333)
2019.9.26 17:39 forwarded to 猫(#007112)'s wallet
2019.9.10 15:50 transferred to in game by 猫(#007112)
2019.9.3 20:02 purchased by 猫(#007112)at shop