Maintenance Notice 10:00-10:15 (UTC+0900)
Frigg #111400005
Thumb middle 1140
Legend Frigg #111400005 Owner: p(#007322) Experience Point: 143982 Level: 77
Flavor text


Civilization Green
Species Fairy
Ability Summon:Recruit 1/1 Sacred Elves until your battlefield is full.

Battle History

Rank gold 11th Official Tournament Champion with p#007322Rainbow
Card Memory
2021.11.21 19:30 transferred to in game by p(#007322)
2021.11.21 19:30 transferred to in game by p(#007322)
2020.2.20 05:12 forwarded to 法魔秘桜(#010946)'s wallet
2019.12.23 18:00 transferred to in game by 法魔秘桜@lupuScythe(#010946)
2019.12.23 17:50 forwarded to kamatomo@lupuScythe(#007330)'s wallet
2019.12.21 17:01 Purchased by name kamatomo@lupuScythe(#007330) at shop
2019.11.20 19:05 transferred to in game by katsumirea(#003373)
2019.11.20 17:57 forwarded to anonymous(#004781)'s wallet
2019.11.20 16:15 Flavor text “Frigg” was added by anonymous(#004781)
2019.9.10 15:35 transferred to in game by anonymous(#004781)
2019.9.3 20:01 purchased by anonymous(#004781)at shop