Yog-Sothoth #133100002
Thumb middle 3310
Legend Yog-Sothoth #133100002 Owner: solc(#006759) Experience Point: 32057 Level: 58
Flavor text
Not Set


Civilization Black
Species Demon
Ability Summon: Recruit minions from your graveyard to the limit.
Card Memory
2022.1.28 22:56 Sent from 偶然にしてはひどすぎます(#000058) to solc(#006759)
2021.11.13 06:45 Sent from ポテチ(#016254) to ちびちゃ(#000058)
2021.10.18 01:07 Sent from solc(#006759) to ポテチ(#016254)
2021.10.16 23:34 Sent from いや絵が好みとかではなくね(#000058) to solc(#006759)
2021.10.11 19:54 Sent from solc(#006759) to ちびちゃ(#000058)
2021.9.26 18:11 Sent from ちびちゃ(#000058) to solc(#006759)
2021.9.16 08:26 Sent from solc(#006759) to sole(#000058)
2021.9.8 13:44 Sent from sole(#000058) to solc(#006759)
2021.8.14 12:21 Sent from solc(#006759) to sole(#000058)
2021.4.1 20:30 transferred to in game by そるく(#006759)
2021.3.12 10:41 forwarded to Cryptospells公式(#000015)'s wallet